]> git.kernelconcepts.de Git - karo-tx-redboot.git/blob - packages/net/athttpd/v2_0/doc/mime_types.txt
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[karo-tx-redboot.git] / packages / net / athttpd / v2_0 / doc / mime_types.txt
1 // mime_types.txt
2 //
3 // Because this web server is designed for small, constrained systems, there
4 //  is no need to include all different MIME types. They would take up a
5 //  considerable amount of memory and they would rarely, if ever, be used 
6 //  since in embedded environments the type of web pages is mostly known
7 //  upfront and only the MIME types for those pages can me inserted in the table.
8 // At any rate, for those of you out there that feel shortchanged, this is a
9 //  fairly long list of MIME types that I found out there. If you need any
10 //  of them, add them to the mime table using the CYG_HTTPD_MIME_TABLE_ENTRY()
11 //  macro.
13 a       application/octet-stream
14 aab     application/x-authorware-bin
15 aam     application/x-authorware-map
16 aas     application/x-authorware-seg
17 ai      application/postscript
18 aif     audio/x-aiff
19 aifc    audio/x-aiff
20 aiff    audio/x-aiff
21 asc     text/plain
22 asf     video/x-ms-asf
23 asx     video/x-ms-asf
24 au      audio/basic
25 avi     video/x-msvideo
26 bcpio   application/x-bcpio
27 bin     application/octet-stream
28 bmp     image/bmp
29 cdf     application/x-netcdf
30 class   application/x-java-vm
31 cpio    application/x-cpio
32 cpt     application/mac-compactpro
33 crl     application/x-pkcs7-crl
34 crt     application/x-x509-ca-cert
35 csh     application/x-csh
36 css     text/css
37 dcr     application/x-director
38 dir     application/x-director
39 djv     image/vnd.djvu
40 djvu    image/vnd.djvu
41 dll     application/octet-stream
42 dms     application/octet-stream
43 doc     application/msword
44 dtd     text/xml
45 dump    application/octet-stream
46 dvi     application/x-dvi
47 dxr     application/x-director
48 eps     application/postscript
49 etx     text/x-setext
50 exe     application/octet-stream
51 ez      application/andrew-inset
52 fgd     application/x-director
53 fh      image/x-freehand
54 fh4     image/x-freehand
55 fh5     image/x-freehand
56 fh7     image/x-freehand
57 fhc     image/x-freehand
58 gif     image/gif
59 gtar    application/x-gtar
60 hdf     application/x-hdf
61 hqx     application/mac-binhex40
62 htm     text/html; charset=%s
63 html    text/html; charset=%s
64 ice     x-conference/x-cooltalk
65 ief     image/ief
66 iges    model/iges
67 igs     model/iges
68 iv      application/x-inventor
69 jar     application/x-java-archive
70 jfif    image/jpeg
71 jpe     image/jpeg
72 jpeg    image/jpeg
73 jpg     image/jpeg
74 js      application/x-javascript
75 kar     audio/midi
76 latex   application/x-latex
77 lha     application/octet-stream
78 lzh     application/octet-stream
79 m3u     audio/x-mpegurl
80 man     application/x-troff-man
81 mathml  application/mathml+xml
82 me      application/x-troff-me
83 mesh    model/mesh
84 mid     audio/midi
85 midi    audio/midi
86 mif     application/vnd.mif
87 mime    message/rfc822
88 mml     application/mathml+xml
89 mov     video/quicktime
90 movie   video/x-sgi-movie
91 mp2     audio/mpeg
92 mp3     audio/mpeg
93 mp4     video/mp4
94 mpe     video/mpeg
95 mpeg    video/mpeg
96 mpg     video/mpeg
97 mpga    audio/mpeg
98 ms      application/x-troff-ms
99 msh     model/mesh
100 mv      video/x-sgi-movie
101 mxu     video/vnd.mpegurl
102 nc      application/x-netcdf
103 o       application/octet-stream
104 oda     application/oda
105 ogg     application/x-ogg
106 pac     application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
107 pbm     image/x-portable-bitmap
108 pdb     chemical/x-pdb
109 pdf     application/pdf
110 pgm     image/x-portable-graymap
111 pgn     application/x-chess-pgn
112 png     image/png
113 pnm     image/x-portable-anymap
114 ppm     image/x-portable-pixmap
115 ppt     application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
116 ps      application/postscript
117 qt      video/quicktime
118 ra      audio/x-realaudio
119 ram     audio/x-pn-realaudio
120 ras     image/x-cmu-raster
121 rdf     application/rdf+xml
122 rgb     image/x-rgb
123 rm      audio/x-pn-realaudio
124 roff    application/x-troff
125 rpm     audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
126 rss     application/rss+xml
127 rtf     text/rtf
128 rtx     text/richtext
129 sgm     text/sgml
130 sgml    text/sgml
131 sh      application/x-sh
132 shar    application/x-shar
133 silo    model/mesh
134 sit     application/x-stuffit
135 skd     application/x-koan
136 skm     application/x-koan
137 skp     application/x-koan
138 skt     application/x-koan
139 smi     application/smil
140 smil    application/smil
141 snd     audio/basic
142 so      application/octet-stream
143 spl     application/x-futuresplash
144 src     application/x-wais-source
145 stc     application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template
146 std     application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template
147 sti     application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template
148 stw     application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template
149 sv4cpio application/x-sv4cpio
150 sv4crc  application/x-sv4crc
151 svg     image/svg+xml
152 svgz    image/svg+xml
153 swf     application/x-shockwave-flash
154 sxc     application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
155 sxd     application/vnd.sun.xml.draw
156 sxg     application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global
157 sxi     application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
158 sxm     application/vnd.sun.xml.math
159 sxw     application/vnd.sun.xml.writer
160 t       application/x-troff
161 tar     application/x-tar
162 tcl     application/x-tcl
163 tex     application/x-tex
164 texi    application/x-texinfo
165 texinfo application/x-texinfo
166 tif     image/tiff
167 tiff    image/tiff
168 tr      application/x-troff
169 tsp     application/dsptype
170 tsv     text/tab-separated-values
171 txt     text/plain; charset=%s
172 ustar   application/x-ustar
173 vcd     application/x-cdlink
174 vrml    model/vrml
175 vx      video/x-rad-screenplay
176 wav     audio/x-wav
177 wax     audio/x-ms-wax
178 wbmp    image/vnd.wap.wbmp
179 wbxml   application/vnd.wap.wbxml
180 wm      video/x-ms-wm
181 wma     audio/x-ms-wma
182 wmd     application/x-ms-wmd
183 wml     text/vnd.wap.wml
184 wmlc    application/vnd.wap.wmlc
185 wmls    text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
186 wmlsc   application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc
187 wmv     video/x-ms-wmv
188 wmx     video/x-ms-wmx
189 wmz     application/x-ms-wmz
190 wrl     model/vrml
191 wsrc    application/x-wais-source
192 wvx     video/x-ms-wvx
193 xbm     image/x-xbitmap
194 xht     application/xhtml+xml
195 xhtml   application/xhtml+xml
196 xls     application/vnd.ms-excel
197 xml     text/xml
198 xpm     image/x-xpixmap
199 xsl     text/xml
200 xwd     image/x-xwindowdump
201 xyz     chemical/x-xyz
202 zip     application/zip