2008-05-13 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs.c: Fix handling of '.' and '..' nodes in dirsearch. 2008-04-02 Xinghua Yang Andrew Lunn Taiyun Wang * cdl/fatfs.cdl: Use CYGPKG_FS_FAT_RET_DIRENT_DTYPE to control whether fatfs sets file type in fatfs_fo_dirread. * src/fatfs.c: Set file type in fatfs_fo_dirread * test/fatfs1.c: Test the new d_type in dirent when present. 2007-07-31 Hajime Ishitani * src/fatfs.c: When removing a directory, first remove . and .. nodes. 2007-02-05 Ya-Chau Yang Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs_supp.c: Fixed FAT32 cluster handling in fatfs_delete_file and fatfs_rename_file. 2007-01-27 Andrew Lunn * tests/fatfs1.c: Fixed the format string to diag_printf() to remove compiler warnings. 2006-08-04 Paul Fine Andrew Lunn * src/fats.c: Added functionality to the fatfs_getinfo() function to return disk usage information about the filesystem, making this information accessible through the cyg_fs_getinfo() interface. * tests/fatfs1.c: Added code to test the disk usage. 2005-07-30 Andrew Lunn * src/fatfs_supp.c: Correct types to remove compiler warnings. 2005-06-07 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs_supp.c: lseek returned EEOF when at the end of the file rather than the current position. 2005-03-27 Andrew Lunn * tests/fatfs1.c: Fixed various compiler warnings about types passed to diag_printf(). 2005-01-18 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs_supp.c: Fixed FAT12/16 root dir size checking in read_next_raw_dentry - reported by Stephane Royo. 2004-12-13 John Dallaway * tests/fileio1.c: Rename to fatfs1.c. eCos test names should be unique. * cdl/fatfs.cdl: Build the renamed test. 2004-11-14 Jani Monoses * test/fileio1.c: Start the test using main, not via a thread. This makes is more uniform with the other fileio1 tests. 2004-11-11 David Brennan * src/fatfs.c: fixed typos in TRACE statements 2004-10-23 David Brennan * tests/fileio1.c: fixed check for return value for attribute tests. 2004-10-17 David Brennan * src/fatfs.c: * src/fatfs_supp.c: * include/fatfs.h (NEW): * tests/fileio1.c: * cdl/fatfs.cdl: Added configurable support for FAT filesystem attributes. 2004-10-13 David Brennan * src/fatfs.c: Added code to setinfo to allow performing a file-system sync 2004-10-06 David Brennan * tests/fileio1.c: Added include of to fix compiler warning for rename(). 2004-08-10 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs_supp.c: Added FAT32 support. 2004-07-13 Savin Zlobec * cdl/fatfs.cdl: * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs.c: * src/fatfs_supp.c: * src/fatfs_ncache.c: Refactored the code and changed file node cache memory allocation from malloc to custom pool based one. 2004-07-05 Savin Zlobec * cdl/fatfs.cdl: * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs.c: * src/fatfs_supp.c: * src/fatfs_ncache.c: Removed FAT table cache - it added little or no speed gain to the fatfs. Implemented private data for fatfs file descriptors which holds the current FAT cluster position, this greatly improves read/write times for big files comparing to the old implementation. * src/fatfs_tcache.c: Removed. 2004-06-24 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs_supp.c: Implemented fatfs_get_disk_usage function for getting the number of total and free clusters. 2004-01-19 Nick Garnett * doc/README.txt: * doc/fatfs.ecm: * doc/fat16.ecm: * doc/mkdisk0: Added some initial basic documentation, sample configurations and shell script to manufacture test disk image. 2003-10-18 Savin Zlobec * cdl/fatfs.cdl: * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs_ncache.c: Fixed node allocation tresholds (there should be no more unnecessary node memory allocation/deallocation). Added more sanity checks and a cdl option to enable them. 2003-10-17 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs_supp.c: Fixed dos to unix date conversion. 2003-10-16 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs.c: Fixed dir entry searching. * src/fatfs_ncache.c: Added more sanity checks. 2003-10-13 Savin Zlobec * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs.c: * src/fatfs_supp.c: Added FAT12 support and FAT type detection. Fixed file deletion. Fixed reusing of deleted directory entries. Fixed free clusters search. Fixed directory renaming. Fixed out of space situation while writting. 2003-09-01 Savin Zlobec * cdl/fatfs.cdl: * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs.c: * src/fatfs_supp.c: * src/fatfs_tcache.c: * src/fatfs_ncache.c: Implemented block IO with BLib, fixed FAT data access problems and added FAT table cache memory constraints. 2003-07-07 Savin Zlobec * cdl/fatfs.cdl: * src/fatfs.h: * src/fatfs.c: * src/fatfs_supp.c: * src/fatfs_ncache.c: * src/fatfs_tcache.c: A FAT16 filesystem implementation //=========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc. // Copyright (C) 2004 eCosCentric Limited // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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