2005-11-19 Bart Veer * include/pkgconf/mlt_synth_i386_rom.ldi: add new heap section to avoid the use of brk() 2005-11-05 Andrew Lunn * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: renamed prev_?stat to old?stat to match the kernel. Removed STATCALL2 macro because it caused confusion. Added the new?stat system calls. 2005-06-26 Bart Veer * include/var_intr.h (HAL_DELAY_US): new header to supply processor-specific HAL_DELAY_US() macro 2005-03-21 Bart Veer * cdl/hal_synth_i386.cdl, src/profile.c: add profiling support. 2005-03-11 Bart Veer * include/var_io.h, src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Improve support for returning from signal handlers 2004-12-14 Alexander Neundorf * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Add ipc system call 2004-08-04 Alexander Neundorf * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Add mkdir system call 2004-06-21 Alexander Neundorf * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Add readdir, lstat and fstat system calls 2004-04-22 Jani Monoses * cdl/hal_synth_i386.cdl : Invoke tail with stricter syntax that works in latest coreutils. 2002-09-15 Bart Veer * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Add access system call 2002-08-04 Bart Veer * src/vectors.S (_start): Store argv and environ in cyg_hal_sys_... variables 2002-04-29 Jonathan Larmour * src/vectors.S: Don't use .file as it can confuse debugging since the .file doesn't contain the path and therefore the debugger will never know where it lives! This conflicts with using -Wa,--gstabs. 2002-04-10 Jonathan Larmour * include/pkgconf/mlt_synth_i386_rom.ldi: Define eh_frame and RELOCS sections. 2001-11-1 Andrew Lunn * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Added mmap system call 2001-12-07 Bart Veer * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: added getcwd() system call 2001-08-02 Bart Veer * src/context.S, include/arch.inc, include/var_arch.h: Update thread context manipulation code to do the right thing with respect to interrupt state. * src/context.S (hal_setjmp): Fixed bug in hal_setjmp() that corrupted EBX. 2001-04-27 Bart Veer * All files Major reorganization and clean-up of the synthetic target. 2000-11-02 Jonathan Larmour * src/entry.c (_linux_entry): Extend memory using brk() syscall to match memory layout * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Add brk syscall 2000-10-20 Jonathan Larmour * include/pkgconf/mlt_i386_linux_ram.mlt: Add heap1 section * include/pkgconf/mlt_i386_linux_ram.h: * include/pkgconf/mlt_i386_linux_ram.ldi: Regenerated 2000-10-20 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/hal_i386_linux.cdl: Correct memory layout file name 2000-03-03 John Dallaway * cdl/hal_i386_linux.cdl (CYGBLD_GLOBAL_COMMAND_PREFIX): Revert most recent change for now to avoid breaking the release system. 2000-03-02 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/hal_i386_linux.cdl (CYGBLD_GLOBAL_COMMAND_PREFIX): Use native toolchain by default, and describe versions to be used 2000-02-29 Jesper Skov * include/plf_intr.h: Don't include kernel headers. 2000-02-16 Jesper Skov * src/hal_diag.c (hal_diag_write_char): Check that write call is successful. 2000-02-16 Nick Garnett * include/variant.inc: Added missed copyright notice. 2000-02-15 Nick Garnett * include/variant.inc: * include/var_intr.h: * include/plf_intr.h: These files added to make this HAL consistent with PC version. They also contains some code moved out of the architecture HAL. 2000-01-24 John Dallaway * cdl/*.cdl: Remove obsolete option CYGTST_TESTING_IDENTIFIER. 2000-01-21 Jesper Skov CR 902062-CR * src/hal_diag.c: * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Sync after write. * src/hal_startup.c: Make signals NODEFER. 2000-01-19 Hugo Tyson * cdl/*.cdl: Add descriptions to a number of options &c which were lacking same, also tidied up other typos as noticed en passant. 1999-12-20 Gary Thomas * cdl/hal_i386_linux.cdl: Add -Wl for linker options. 1999-11-25 Gary Thomas * include/pkgconf/mlt_i386_linux_ram.h: New file(s). 1999-11-01 Jesper Skov * cdl/hal_i386_linux.cdl: Added. Use define_proc for const header defs. 1999-10-05 Jonathan Larmour * src/linux_misc.c: Fix some really minor spelling typos * src/hal_diag.c (hal_diag_read_char): Check if we were woken up by the itimer alarm (which is used for rescheduling) - in which case just read again. 1999-10-05 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/hal_i386_linux.h: Changed to use REAL TIME as default. From Andrew Lunn (lunn@ma.tech.ascom.ch) * src/PKGconf.mak: * src/linux_misc.c: [added] * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Added idle thread action, reducing host load when eCos is idle. 1999-08-16 John Dallaway * include/pkgconf/hal_i386_linux.h: Proper case package display string. 1999-05-20 Gary Thomas * include/pkgconf/hal_i386_linux.h: Move RTC setup here. 1999-05-14 Jesper Skov PR 18956 * include/pkgconf/mlt_i386_linux_ram.mlt: * include/pkgconf/mlt_i386_linux_ram.ldi: Fixed problem with rel_got. Encode . in section name as __. 1999-04-08 John Dallaway * include/pkgconf/mlt_*.*: Use double underscore substitution for period character in SECTION_* macro names (PR 19787) 1999-04-08 John Dallaway * include/pkgconf/*.ldi: Revised SECTION_* macro arguments to avoid padded output sections (PR 19787) 1999-03-22 Jesper Skov * src/linux.S: Added comment. Doh! Managed to break compilation with a comment... 1999-03-16 Jesper Skov PR 19483 * src/linux.S (cyg_hal_hardware_init): Fiddled some more with the bits to no avail. * src/hal_startup.c: Renamed hal_ to cyg_hal_. Added exception handling. 1999-03-12 Jesper Skov * src/hal_startup.c (cyg_hal_isr_init): Initialize ISR table with pointers to default ISR routine. 1999-03-12 Jesper Skov PR 19486 * src/linux.S (cyg_hal_hardware_init): Only enable zero divide exceptions. 1999-03-11 Jesper Skov * src/hal_startup.c: * src/entry.c: Renamed hal_isr_init to cyg_hal_isr_init. * src/hal_startup.c: Also catch SIGFPE. * src/entry.c: Call cyg_hal_hardware_init. * src/linux.S: [added] * src/PKGconf.mak: Added file to hold startup assembly code. 1999-03-11 John Dallaway * include/pkgconf/*.ldi: add copyright notices 1999-03-04 John Dallaway * include/pkgconf/*.ldi: give all LDI files unique names so that they can co-exist in an eCos build tree (PR 19184) * include/pkgconf/*.mlt: give all MLT files unique names so that they can co-exist in an eCos build tree (PR 19184) 1999-02-25 Nick Garnett * src/hal_startup.c: Changed label used to access scheduler lock to one that is not mangled by C++. This is intended to make support for interrupt handling in non-kernel configurations easier. 1999-02-22 Jesper Skov * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Added copyright header. 1999-02-20 Jonathan Larmour * src/hal_startup.c: Rename hal_interrupts_deffered -> hal_interrupts_deferred Rename CYG_ISR/VSR_* -> CYGNUM_HAL_ISR/VSR_* in line with HAL changes Rename CYG_VECTOR_RTC -> CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_RTC * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Add a FIX ME 1999-02-08 John Dallaway * include/pkgconf/ram.mlt: New memory layout save file 1999-02-05 John Dallaway * include/pkgconf/*.ldi: Remove LMA_EQ_VMA macro definition. 1999-01-29 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/hal_i386_linux.h: Changed CDL type back to radio to get consistent ConfigTool output. 1999-01-27 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/ram.ldi: Commented out the rel_got change. 1999-01-25 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/ram.ldi: Added rel.got section. 1999-01-22 Jesper Skov * src/hal_startup.c: Moved external declarations into top-level scope to avoid compiler warning. 1999-01-19 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/hal_i386_linux.h: Removed startup config. Changed linux entry to dummy instead of bool. 1999-01-12 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/hal_i386_linux.h: Added config for real-time timer. 1999-01-12 Jesper Skov * src/hal_diag.c: Removed hal_diag_write_line. * src/entry.c: Removed main/argv stuff. 1999-01-12 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/hal_i386_linux.h: Added. 1999-01-11 Jesper Skov * src/hal_startup.c (hal_default_vsr): * src/linux.ld (cyg_hal_sched_lock): Added C-symbol reference to the scheduler lock. 1999-01-11 Jesper Skov * src/hal_startup.c (hal_default_vsr): Allow interrupt disable count to be bigger than 1. 1999-01-11 Jesper Skov * src/linux.ld: Added fix me. Remember to clean up. * src/hal_startup.c: Removed bogus include statement. Added CYGPKG_KERNEL config handling. * src/hal_diag.c: Removed bogus include statements and functions. 1999-01-07 Jesper Skov * src/hal_startup.c (hal_isr_init): Use CYG_VECTOR_RTC rather than hardcoded value. 1999-01-07 Jesper Skov * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: * src/hal_diag.c: * src/PKGconf.mak: Removed tabs & fixed comment style. 1999-01-07 Jesper Skov * src/PKGconf.mak: Cleaned up. * src/entry.c: Added (from proven's crtbegin.c). * src/linux.ld: Added. * src/hal_startup.cxx: (Deleted) * src/hal_startup.c: (Added) Changed code to C, cleaned up. 1999-01-06 Jesper Skov * src/hal_diag.c: Fixed warnings. Output chars in batches to avoid problems with pkgtest - also improves performance. 1999-01-06 Jesper Skov * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Set behavior to match __ELF__. 1998-12-18 Jesper Skov * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: * src/hal_startup.cxx: Fixed compiler warnings. Fri Dec 4 13:49:03 GMT 1998 * src/syscall-i386-linux-1.0.S: Fix to work with Bart's latest tools. For some reason it doesn't define __ELF__ but, we really don't care. Mon Nov 9 15:18:11 GMT 1998 Chris Provenzano Initial i386 linux port. //=========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. // // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. // // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. // // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc. // at http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/ecos-license/ // ------------------------------------------- //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND#### //===========================================================================