2007-08-13 Alexey Shusharin * include/config_keys.h: Added key set setting CAN callback configuration. 2006-09-21 Jonathan Larmour * include/config_keys.h: Merge from eCosCentric repository. ChangeLogs incorporated in correct location below. 2006-02-15 Uwe Kindler * include/config_keys.h Replaced CAN configuration keys CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_CAN_REMOTE_BUF, CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_CAN_FILTER_ALL and CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_CAN_FILTER_MSG with new single config key CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_CAN_MSGBUF 2005-12-02 Andrew Lunn * src/iosys.c: * include/devtab.h: Add comments that bread/bwrite takes there parameters in blocks, not bytes. 2005-09-11 Uwe Kindler * include/config_keys.h Configuration keys for CAN driver added. 2005-01-19 Jonathan Larmour * include/config_keys.h: Add device close key. 2004-12-23 Peter Korsgaard * doc/io.sgml: Match CYG_TTY_IN_FLAGS_ECHO and CYG_TTY_IN_FLAGS_BINARY values with source code. 2004-09-21 Jonathan Larmour * doc/io.sgml: Rename incorrect cyg_drv_mutex to cyg_drv_mutex_t. Ditto cyg_drv_cond and cyg_drv_cond_t. 2004-04-16 Jonathan Larmour * src/iosys.c (cyg_io_lookup): Use union to avoid aliasing problems with compiler. 2004-04-15 Nick Garnett * include/config_keys.h: Added CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_DISK_MOUNT and CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_DISK_UMOUNT keys. 2004-01-19 Nick Garnett * include/config_keys.h (CYG_IO_GET_CONFIG_DISK_INFO): Added DISK IO config key base definition. 2003-11-27 David Woodhouse * include/config_keys.h: Add CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_FLASH_FIS_NAME 2003-11-06 Billy * doc/io.sgml: In the TTY section swap "\n\r" to "\r\n" to match reality. 2003-03-25 Jonathan Larmour * include/config_keys.h: Define CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_SERIAL_OUTPUT_FLUSH to be same as CYG_IO_GET_CONFIG_SERIAL_OUTPUT_FLUSH. Ditto for ..._INPUT_FLUSH. 2003-02-24 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/io.cdl: Fix doc link. 2002-03-12 Nick Garnett * doc/io.sgml: Generally sorted out, reformetted, folded. SMP considerations added to various parts of the document. 2002-01-23 Jonathan Larmour * include/config_keys.h: Add config keys for flash block drivers. 2001-09-27 Jonathan Larmour * src/io_diag.c: Delete. No longer used. * cdl/io.cdl: Don't build io_diag.c. 2001-04-18 Jesper Skov Case 105926 * src/io_file.c (falloc): Don't return -EMFILE, but EMFILE. Found by Andrew Lunn. 2000-11-22 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/io.cdl: Only put ioinit.cxx in extras.o. Build others normally. * src/iosys.c: Move devtab table definition from here.... * src/ioinit.cxx: .... to here 2000-11-21 Bart Veer * src/iosys.c: * include/devtab.h: Add dummy implementations for select, get_config and set_config 2000-09-07 Jesper Skov * include/devtab.h (cyg_devtab_entry_t): Fix syntax problem. 2000-09-04 Jonathan Larmour * include/devtab.h (cyg_devtab_entry_t): Apply CYG_HAL_TABLE_TYPE 2000-08-01 Jonathan Larmour * include/config_keys.h: Add keys to support flow control, line status callbacks, hardware breaks and termios. 2000-07-31 Nick Garnett * include/config_keys.h: Added generic keys for controlling BLOCKING behaviour, and added aliases to retain compatibility. 2000-07-25 Jonathan Larmour * include/devtab.h: Define cyg_devio_cwrite, _cread, _bwrite and _bread with C linkage 2000-07-21 Nick Garnett * include/io.h: * include/devtab.h: * src/iosys.c: Added support for block devices. At present this is really just exploiting the perturbations that the EL/IX branch merge will cause to add placeholders for future developments. These changes consist mainly of adding bwrite() and bread() entries in the cyg_devio_table_t structure and adding a char/block discriminator flags to the devtab entry status field. API calls cyg_io_bwrite() and cyg_io_bread() have also been added. Suitable definition of macros means that no existing driver code needs to be changed to accomodate this addition. 2000-06-19 Nick Garnett * src/iosys.c: * include/devtab.h: Converted to new table construction mechanism. 2000-06-15 Nick Garnett * include/io.h: * src/iosys.c: Added cyg_io_select(). * include/devtab.h: Added select() support function to cyg_devio_table_t structure. Modified DEVIO_TABLE() macro to match. 2000-06-09 Nick Garnett * include/file.h: Added redefinition of CYG_SELINFO_TAG. 2000-06-07 Nick Garnett * include/file.h: Added definitions to make this header work with the fileio package. * cdl/io.cdl: Moved support for files into a sub-component that is only active if the FILEIO package is not present. 2000-05-05 Grant Edwards * include/config_keys.h: Add key to inquire about serial buffer info 2000-05-03 Jesper Skov * include/config_keys.h: Added keys for DSP io. Added key for overflow reset. 2000-05-01 Jesper Skov * include/config_keys.h: Added keys for read/write blocking. 2000-03-28 John Dallaway * cdl/io.cdl: Adjust documentation URLs. 2000-03-18 Gary Thomas * include/file.h: Add additional flags for nonblocking and async modes (used in network support). 2000-03-04 Gary Thomas * include/file.h: Add function prototypes. 2000-02-17 Gary Thomas * src/io_file.c: Use eCos error list . 2000-02-15 Jonathan Larmour * src/io_file.c: Use standard errno.h, not sys/errno.h 2000-01-31 Simon FitzMaurice * cdl/io.cdl: Adjust help URLs in line with new doc layout. 2000-01-28 Gary Thomas * include/file.h: * src/io_file.c: New file(s) * cdl/io.cdl: Add generic file I/O support. 2000-01-28 Simon FitzMaurice * cdl/io.cdl: Adjust help URLs in line with new doc layout. 1999-04-28 Bart Veer * src/PKGconf.mak (EXTRAS_COMPILE): Use the new rules for generating libextras.a 1999-04-15 Jonathan Larmour * src/iosys.c (cyg_io_set_config): Only dereference len if non-NULL (cyg_io_get_config): Ditto (cyg_io_read): Ditto (cyg_io_write): Ditto Fix for PR 19856 1999-04-12 Jesper Skov * src/ioinit.cxx: Use new device IO init priority. * src/io_diag.c: [added] * include/io_diag.h: [added] * src/PKGconf.mak: Added io_diag functionality. 1999-03-18 Gary Thomas * include/config_keys.h (CYG_IO_GET_CONFIG_SERIAL_ABORT): New funtion which aborts (cancels) any pending I/O on a channel. 1999-03-15 Gary Thomas * include/pkgconf/io.h: Add 'CYGDBG_IO_INIT' for control of init messages. 1999-03-10 Gary Thomas * include/pkgconf/io.h: Improve CDL description. 1999-03-05 Nick Garnett * include/io.h: Changed include files used to permit non-kernel configurations to be built. 1999-02-25 Gary Thomas * serial/current/src/common/tty.c (tty_set_config): Fix problem when passing through to lower level driver. //=========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 eCosCentric Limited // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. // // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. // // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. // // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc. // at http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/ecos-license/ // ------------------------------------------- //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND#### //===========================================================================