2006-02-21 Oliver Munz Andrew Lunn * src/flash.c (flash_init): Allow repeat calls change the function used for printing. There are times you don't want any output, eg you are downloading am image over the serial port. 2005-08-02 Andrew Lunn * tests/flash1.c (cyg_start): Compiler warning fixes. 2005-03-27 Andrew Lunn * tests/flash1.c: Fixed compiler warning with diag_printf. 2004-09-05 Mark Salter * doc/flash.sgml: Fix unbalanced s. 2004-08-24 Gary Thomas * cdl/io_flash.cdl: * tests/flash1.c: Add simple test of FLASH driver. 2004-06-20 Andrew Lunn * src/flash.c (flash_read): Don't check if the flash is write protected before performing a read. * doc/flash.sgml * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Added documentation of the FLASH API 2004-04-29 Sebastien Couret 2004-04-29 Jonathan Larmour * src/flashiodev.c: When checking flash upper bound, allow for end of flash at 0xffffffff. 2003-11-27 David Woodhouse * src/flashiodev.c: Enable set_config() and implement CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_FLASH_FIS_NAME. 2003-11-25 Andrew Lunn * src/flash.c: gcc 3.x vs gcc 2.x problems. 2003-11-24 Jani Monoses * cdl/io_flash.cdl: * include/flash.h: Remove CYGNUM_FLASH_WORKSPACE_SIZE cdl option. 2003-11-24 Roland Caßebohm * src/flashiodev.c (flashiodev_bwrite): Use flash_read rather than directly doing a memcpy. 2003-11-20 Jani Monoses * src/flash.c: * src/flashiodev.c: * include/flash.h: Remove references to work_space and work_space_size since they are no longer used. 2003-11-20 Jani Monoses * cdl/io_flash.cdl: * src/flash.c: Remove handling of CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_DEVICE_NOT_IN_RAM now that all flash drivers use ELF sections to specify which parts go in RAM. 2003-10-08 Roland Cassebohm * src/flash.c: Fix parse error if CYGSEM_IO_FLASH_READ_INDIRECT is not defined. 2003-09-19 Gary Thomas * src/flash.c: * include/flash.h: * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Add support for NAND (indirectly accessed) devices. This includes a generic "flash_read_buf()" function. 2003-04-14 Jani Monoses * include/flash_dev.h: Include 2003-03-19 Thomas Koeller * src/flashiodev.c: Fixed trivial error. 2003-03-03 Knud Woehler * src/flashiodev.c: * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Add CYGNUM_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_CFG_FIS_1 / CYGNUM_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_CFG_STATIC_1. Initialize the block device from the FIS table. 2003-02-24 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Remove irrelevant doc link - default to top level. 2002-01-31 Jonathan Larmour * src/flashiodev.c: Fix bounds checking and offsetting. * cdl/io_flash.cdl (CYGNUM_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_LENGTH_1): Default to 0x100000 for convenience. 2002-01-30 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Allow specification of an offset and length of the region of flash. * src/flashiodev.c: Use it. 2002-01-24 Jesper Skov * include/flash.h: Add a comment about the obvious: the flash caching macros should be called with interrupts disabled. 2002-01-23 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Add CYGPKG_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE and CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1 to allow exporting flash as block devices accessible from file systems. * src/fileiodev.c: New file implementing this. * include/flash.h: Add typedefs for the various structures used to configure the block devices. 2002-01-18 Paul Fine * src/flash.c : Modified flash_verify_addr, flash_erase, flash_lock and flash_unlock to to work properly when the location of the flash in the memory map is at the very top of the address space. We check and handle values that may overflow. 2001-10-28 Gary Thomas * src/flash.c (flash_erase): Don't call hardware layer if block appears to be already erased [faster and less wear & tear]. 2001-10-25 Jonathan Larmour * include/flash_dev.h: Fix test of 4x16-bit flash parts. Spotted by Jose Pascual 2001-10-16 Jesper Skov * src/flash.c: Include string.h * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Package requires ISOINFRA and string functions. 2001-10-15 David Howells * src/flash.c: Include string.h to get mem*() functions. 2001-09-25 Gary Thomas * include/flash.h: Remove warning on printf() prototype. 2001-08-10 Jesper Skov * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Changed flavor of CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_LOCKING to booldata. * include/flash.h: Matching changes. * src/flash.c: Matching changes. 2001-07-23 David Howells * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Added software write protect option. * include/flash.h: Ditto. * src/flash.c: Added software write protect option and bank support, and prevented low-level writes from being handed cross-block data chunks. 2001-07-20 Gary Thomas * include/flash.h: * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Name convention: CYGINT_FLASH_WORKSPACE_SIZE renamed to be CYGNUM_FLASH_WORKSPACE_SIZE. 2001-07-19 Gary Thomas * include/flash.h: * cdl/io_flash.cdl: New option CYGINT_FLASH_WORKSPACE_SIZE used to control how much memory is reserved for use by FLASH drivers. 2001-06-19 Hugo Tyson * src/flash.c (flash_program): Only verify program with memcmp if the status code suggests the programming went OK so far. Otherwise all errors become verify errors. (flash_init): Fix bug in removal of dependency of printf(). The pointer was not initialized until after the call into the driver. 2001-06-11 Gary Thomas * src/flash.c: * include/flash.h: Remove dependency on printf() via user functions. 2001-05-23 Jesper Skov * include/flash_dev.h (FLASH_P2V): Use CYG_ADDRWORD instead of int. * src/flash.c: Copy functions to RAM iff CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_DEVICE_NOT_IN_RAM defined. * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Changed CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_DEVICE_IN_RAM to CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_DEVICE_NOT_IN_RAM. 2001-05-21 Jonathan Larmour * include/flash_dev.h: Fix cyg_uin16 typo. 2001-03-29 Mark Salter * cdl/io_flash.cdl (CYGSEM_IO_FLASH_VERIFY_PROGRAM): New option to control whether or not to perform extra verification of flash programming. * src/flash.c (flash_program): No verification unless CYGSEM_IO_FLASH_VERIFY_PROGRAM defined. 2001-03-21 Gary Thomas * src/flash.c (flash_program): Verify data after programming. 2001-03-21 Jesper Skov * include/flash.h: Added low voltage error message. * src/flash.c: And its error message. 2001-03-17 Gary Thomas * src/flash.c (flash_program): * include/flash.h: Add support for [StrataFLASH] buffered writes. This requires knowledge of the device write buffer size [saved]. 2001-03-01 Gary Thomas * src/flash.c: * include/flash.h: Allow platform to define pre/post routines to enable/disable device access. These may be required, e.g. to turn on some voltage, etc. 2001-02-23 Jesper Skov * include/flash.h: HAL_FLASH_CACHES_WANT_OPTIMAL replaced with (opposite sense) HAL_FLASH_CACHES_OLD_MACROS. * src/flash.c (__anonymizer): Use to force the compiler to use jumps instead of branches. 2001-02-22 Jesper Skov * include/flash_dev.h: Added. Contains macros and definitions common to all (new style) flash device drivers. * include/flash.h: Added two new error codes. * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Added CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_DEVICE_IN_RAM. * src/flash.c: Made functions respect CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_DEVICE_IN_RAM and jump directly to the code instead of copying it around. (__arm_broken): Work around problem with ARM tools. 2001-02-06 Hugo Tyson * src/flash.c (flash_erase): Add an additional argument to the call into the driver, being the blocksize (as discovered). This allows a gross check for actual erase in some drivers. Those that don't use it, it's harmless - after all, this is an API by trust. 2000-12-06 Jesper Skov * src/flash.c (flash_dev_query): Added. Allows reloc/cache magic to be removed from device drivers (eventually). Also fixed some warnings, and made function references use char[] instead of just char to prevent MIPS compiler from messing up. * include/flash.h: Added FLASH_ERR_DRV_VERIFY and flash_dev_query. 2000-11-27 Jesper Skov * src/flash.c: Do all flash access inside properly cache-controlled region. * include/flash.h: Cache definitions. 2000-11-17 Jesper Skov * src/flash.c: Added debug mode, allowing device driver to use printf. 2000-11-16 Jesper Skov * src/flash.c: Added suspend error messages. * include/flash.h: Same. 2000-09-01 Hugo Tyson * include/flash.h: * src/flash.c: CYGHWR_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_LOCKING is an interface, so it's always defined; look for > 0 instead. 2000-08-28 Gary Thomas * src/flash.c: * include/flash.h: * cdl/io_flash.cdl: Support block locking (optional by hardware). 2000-08-22 Hugo Tyson * src/flash.c (flash_program): Add HAL_ICACHE_DISABLE/ENABLE pairs around calls to RAM copy of programming/erasing function - this is necessary to get reliable operation on EBSA285 and similar. Otherwise, what is in the instruction cache might be run instead. 2000-08-14 Gary Thomas * include/flash.h: Add block size mask for finding block boundaries. * src/flash.c: Use block size properly. 2000-07-29 Gary Thomas * include/flash.h: * src/flash.c (flash_get_block_info): New function. (flash_program): Program in block_size chunks as much as possible. //=========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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