#ifndef CYGONCE_LIBC_STDIO_STREAM_INL #define CYGONCE_LIBC_STDIO_STREAM_INL //======================================================================== // // stream.inl // // Inline functions for internal C library stdio stream interface // //======================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. // // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. // // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. // // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc. // at http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/ecos-license/ // ------------------------------------------- //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND#### //======================================================================== //#####DESCRIPTIONBEGIN#### // // Author(s): jlarmour // Contributors: // Date: 2000-04-19 // Purpose: // Description: // Usage: Do not include this file - // #include instead. // //####DESCRIPTIONEND#### // //======================================================================== // CONFIGURATION #include // Configuration header // INCLUDES #include // Common project-wide type definitions #include // NULL and size_t from compiler #include // Error codes #include // Just be sure that this really is // included #include // I/O system inlines // FUNCTIONS #ifdef CYGDBG_USE_ASSERTS inline cyg_bool Cyg_StdioStream::check_this( cyg_assert_class_zeal zeal ) const { // check that it has the magic word set meaning it is valid. if ( magic_validity_word != 0x7b4321ce ) return false; return true; } // check_this() #endif // ifdef CYGDBG_USE_ASSERTS // LOCKING FUNCTIONS // returns true on success inline cyg_bool Cyg_StdioStream::lock_me( void ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); #ifdef CYGSEM_LIBC_STDIO_THREAD_SAFE_STREAMS return stream_lock.lock(); #else // otherwise it "worked" return true; #endif } // lock_me() // returns true on success inline cyg_bool Cyg_StdioStream::trylock_me( void ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); #ifdef CYGSEM_LIBC_STDIO_THREAD_SAFE_STREAMS return stream_lock.trylock(); #else // otherwise it "worked" return true; #endif } // lock_me() inline void Cyg_StdioStream::unlock_me( void ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); #ifdef CYGSEM_LIBC_STDIO_THREAD_SAFE_STREAMS stream_lock.unlock(); #endif } // unlock_me() // DESTRUCTOR inline Cyg_ErrNo Cyg_StdioStream::close() { Cyg_ErrNo err = ENOERR; if (!lock_me()) return EBADF; if( my_device != CYG_STDIO_HANDLE_NULL ) { flush_output_unlocked(); err = cyg_stdio_close( my_device ); if( err == ENOERR ) my_device = CYG_STDIO_HANDLE_NULL; } unlock_me(); return err; } // close() inline Cyg_StdioStream::~Cyg_StdioStream() { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); // Close the device if it has not already been closed. if( my_device != CYG_STDIO_HANDLE_NULL ) close(); #ifdef CYGDBG_USE_ASSERTS magic_validity_word = 0xbadbad; #endif } // Cyg_StdioStream destructor // MEMBER FUNCTIONS // this is currently just a wrapper around write, but having this interface // leaves scope for optimisations in future inline Cyg_ErrNo Cyg_StdioStream::write_byte( cyg_uint8 c ) { cyg_ucount32 dummy_bytes_written; Cyg_ErrNo err; CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); err = write( &c, 1, &dummy_bytes_written ); CYG_ASSERT( (err!=ENOERR) || (dummy_bytes_written==1), "Single byte not written, but no error returned!" ); return err; } // write_byte() inline Cyg_ErrNo Cyg_StdioStream::unread_byte( cyg_uint8 c ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); #ifdef CYGFUN_LIBC_STDIO_ungetc if (!lock_me()) return EBADF; // assume file is now invalid if (flags.unread_char_buf_in_use) { unlock_me(); return ENOMEM; } // if flags.unread_char_buf_in_use = true; unread_char_buf = c; // can't be at EOF any more flags.at_eof = false; if (position) // position is always 0 for certain devices --position; unlock_me(); return ENOERR; #else // ifdef CYGFUN_LIBC_STDIO_ungetc return ENOSYS; #endif // ifdef CYGFUN_LIBC_STDIO_ungetc } // unread_byte() inline cyg_ucount32 Cyg_StdioStream::bytes_available_to_read( void ) { cyg_ucount32 bytes=0; CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); #ifdef CYGFUN_LIBC_STDIO_ungetc if (flags.unread_char_buf_in_use) ++bytes; #endif #ifdef CYGSEM_LIBC_STDIO_WANT_BUFFERED_IO // either the last operation was a read, which attempted to read bytes // into the buffer, or there are no bytes in the buffer if (flags.buffering) { if (flags.last_buffer_op_was_read == true) bytes += io_buf.get_buffer_space_used(); } else #endif if (flags.readbuf_char_in_use) ++bytes; return bytes; } // bytes_available_to_read() inline Cyg_ErrNo Cyg_StdioStream::flush_output( void ) { Cyg_ErrNo err; CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); if (!lock_me()) return EBADF; // assume file is now invalid err = flush_output_unlocked(); unlock_me(); return err; } // flush_output() // get error status for this file inline Cyg_ErrNo Cyg_StdioStream::get_error( void ) { Cyg_ErrNo err_temp; CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); if (!lock_me()) return EBADF; // well, we've certainly got an error now! err_temp = error; unlock_me(); return err_temp; } // get_error() // set error status for this file inline void Cyg_StdioStream::set_error( Cyg_ErrNo errno_to_set ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); if (!lock_me()) { errno = EBADF; // best we can do - we can't trust error to be there return; } // if errno = error = errno_to_set; if ( EEOF == error ) flags.at_eof = 1; unlock_me(); } // set_error() // are we at EOF? true means we are, false means no inline cyg_bool Cyg_StdioStream::get_eof_state( void ) { cyg_bool eof_temp; CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); if (!lock_me()) return false; // not much we can do here eof_temp = flags.at_eof; unlock_me(); return eof_temp; } // get_eof_state() // Set whether we are at EOF. inline void Cyg_StdioStream::set_eof_state( cyg_bool eof_to_set ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); if (!lock_me()) return; // not much we can do here flags.at_eof = eof_to_set; unlock_me(); } // set_eof_state() // retrieve position inline Cyg_ErrNo Cyg_StdioStream::get_position( fpos_t *pos ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); if (!lock_me()) return EBADF; // assume file is now invalid *pos = position; unlock_me(); return ENOERR; } // get_position() // set absolute position inline Cyg_ErrNo Cyg_StdioStream::set_position( fpos_t pos, int whence ) { CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Stream object is not a valid stream!" ); #ifndef CYGPKG_LIBC_STDIO_FILEIO // this is currently a workaround until we have real files // this will be corrected when we decide the true filesystem interface Cyg_ErrNo err; cyg_uint8 c; if ((whence != SEEK_CUR) || pos < 0) return ENOSYS; if (!lock_me()) return EBADF; // assume file is now invalid // Drain read buffer for ( ; pos > 0 ; pos-- ) { err = read_byte( &c ); if (err == EAGAIN) err=refill_read_buffer(); // if read_byte retured error, or refill_read_buffer returned error if (err) { unlock_me(); return err; } // if } // for unlock_me(); return ENOERR; #else if (!lock_me()) return EBADF; // assume file is now invalid if ( whence != SEEK_END ) { off_t bytesavail = (off_t)bytes_available_to_read(); off_t abspos = (whence == SEEK_CUR) ? position + pos : pos; off_t posdiff = abspos - position; if ( posdiff >= 0 && bytesavail > posdiff ) { // can just "seek" within the existing buffer #ifdef CYGFUN_LIBC_STDIO_ungetc if (posdiff>0 && flags.unread_char_buf_in_use) { flags.unread_char_buf_in_use = false; posdiff--; } #endif #ifdef CYGSEM_LIBC_STDIO_WANT_BUFFERED_IO if (posdiff>0 && flags.buffering) { io_buf.set_bytes_read(posdiff); posdiff=0; } else #endif if (posdiff>0 && flags.readbuf_char_in_use) { flags.readbuf_char_in_use = false; posdiff--; } CYG_ASSERT(posdiff==0, "Failed to seek within buffer correctly"); position = abspos; unlock_me(); return ENOERR; } // endif (bytesavail > posdiff) if (whence == SEEK_CUR) { position += bytesavail; pos -= bytesavail; } } //endif (whence != SEEK_END) Cyg_ErrNo err; // Flush output if any present. err = flush_output_unlocked(); if( err == ENOERR ) { off_t newpos=pos; // Clear any input out of input buffer and any ungot chars // from unread buffer. io_buf.drain_buffer(); #ifdef CYGFUN_LIBC_STDIO_ungetc flags.unread_char_buf_in_use = false; #endif // Clear EOF indicator. flags.at_eof = false; // Seek the file to the correct place err = cyg_stdio_lseek( my_device, &newpos, whence ); if ( err == ENOERR) { // update stream pos position = newpos; } } unlock_me(); return err; #endif } // set_position() #endif // CYGONCE_LIBC_STDIO_STREAM_INL multiple inclusion protection // EOF stream.inl