2007-09-15 Andrew Lunn * tests/strptime.c (test): Extend the test so that it triggers the previous bug and shows that the fix works. 2007-08-18 Hans Rosenfeld * src/strftime.cxx: Moved CYG_PRECONDITIONs to do_format() to make strftime() only complain about illegal struct tm contents if these are actually used. Fixes a bug with tests/strptime which would fail because tm->tm_yday was uninitialized. 2006-10-02 Jonathan Larmour * tests/strftime.c (test): Fix %I test. 2006-08-31 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/time.cdl: Don't bother inlining mktime() or gmtime_r() by default - they're too big to be worth it. 2006-08-24 Alexander Neundorf * src/strftime.cxx: Fixed "%I" (Time in 12 hour modus was 1 hour off) 2006-06-16 Andrew Lunn * tests/strptime.c: Add a testcase for the previous fix. 2006-06-13 Dan Jakubiec * src/strptime.cxx: Removed the initialization of the struct tm fields to prevent clobbering of time values when using the following format specifiers: %D, %r, %R, %T, %X, %x. 2005-03-27 Andrew Lunn * include/time.h: Added CYGBLD_ATTRIB_STRFTIME_FORMAT where appropriate so the compiler does more checking. 2004-08-08 Bart Veer * src/strptime.cxx: fix spelling 2003-08-18 Andrew Lunn * src/strptime.cxx: Added string.h to fix compile warnings. * cdl/time.cdl: Updated the requires statement for BSD string functions to use the interface rather than the option name. 2003-06-26 Brij Bihari Pandey 2003-06-26 Jonathan Larmour * tests/clock.c (main): Add a fudge factor in case the absolute values from clock() are small, in which case the percentage variation would be large. 2003-06-13 Jonathan Larmour * tests/clock.c (main): Avoid div-by-zero if mean==0. * cdl/time.cdl: build all POSIX files all the time because they are used internally by the standard ISO C functions even if not exported. [Bug 1000001] 2003-04-24 Robert Cragie * include/time.inl: * include/timeutil.h: * src/timeutil.cxx: Change return type of cyg_libc_time_itoa() to cyg_ucount8. * src/strftime.cxx: Change return type of do_format() to cyg_count8. These benign changes get around a compiler bug using or32-elf-gcc 2003-03-18 Gary Thomas * src/strptime.cxx: Initialize time structure to a well known, valid, time/date so even if there is an error, it still makes [some] sense. 2003-02-24 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/time.cdl: Fix doc link. 2003-01-28 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/time.cdl: Correct reference to CYGSEM_LIBC_TIME_POSIX_TIME_ROUTINES in CYGPKG_LIBC_TIME_TESTS to CYGFUN_LIBC_TIME_POSIX. 2003-01-27 Gary Thomas * tests/strptime.c: * src/strptime.cxx: * include/time.h: * cdl/time.cdl: Add support for strptime(). 2002-05-14 Jesper Skov * cdl/time.cdl: Added -Wno-format to the compiler flags. This is to avoid warnings about Y2K problems with the format specifiers used in the strftime test. 2002-01-09 Nick Garnett * tests/clock.c (cyg_start): Added CYG_TEST_INIT() to NOTAPPLICABLE version of cyg_start() so that the breakpoints are correctly sequenced in the testfarm and it does not think that this is a failure. 2001-06-22 Jesper Skov * cdl/time.cdl (CYGFUN_LIBC_TIME_SUS_EXTNS): Added. * src/strftime.cxx (do_format): Added some Single UNIX extensions. 2001-04-25 Bart Veer * tests/time.c (MAX_TIMEOUT): Increase timeout to cope with fast architectures such as the synthetic target. 2001-04-17 Bart Veer * tests/clock.c: Cope with synthetic target reorg 2000-11-29 Jonathan Larmour * tests/clock.c: Some targets are quite inconsistent, so skip 6 samples now, and increase the tolerance to 40%. Also NA if tracing enabled. Also output the mean and maximum error reached, even when passing. 2000-11-27 Jesper Skov * tests/clock.c: Skip fourth sample too. 2000-11-14 Jesper Skov * tests/clock.c: Skip first three samples. 2000-10-30 Jonathan Larmour * include/time.inl: Ensure POSIX *_r functions can be accessed by non-POSIX implementation even when CYGFUN_LIBC_TIME_POSIX is off. * src/asctime_r.cxx: No need to make conditional on posix CDL option - we may want to define an internal-only function. * src/ctime_r.cxx: Ditto * src/gmtime_r.cxx: Ditto * src/localtime_r.cxx: Ditto * cdl/time.cdl: abs() is also a requirement * src/clock.cxx (clock): Always use unsigned long longs for temp variables (and make sure it's used), rather than making assumptions about clock_t. * tests/clock.c: Rewrite 2000-07-26 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/time.cdl: Add CYGINT_ISO_DIV dependency 2000-07-24 Jonathan Larmour * src/time.cxx: * src/settime.cxx: Wallclock moved to io/ 2000-06-20 Jonathan Larmour * include/time.inl (__gmtime_r): Don't save leap year status when calculating tm_wday 2000-06-17 Jonathan Larmour * include/time.inl (gmtime_r): Deal with boundary case correctly * tests/gmtime.c (test): Add a couple more test cases 2000-05-02 Jonathan Larmour * include/time.h: Just use the defaults for time_t, clock_t and CLOCKS_PER_SEC in isoinfra * New package Separated original libc out into separate packages on functional boundaries. Header files are now managed by isoinfra package Plenty of cleanups done, but no major functionality changes //=========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // Copyright (C) 2006 eCosCentric Ltd. // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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