# ==================================================================== # # memalloc.cdl # # Dynamic memory allocator services configuration data # # ==================================================================== #####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### ## ------------------------------------------- ## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. ## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. ## ## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. ## ## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ## for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ## ## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros ## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it ## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not ## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public ## License. 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It also contains some sample implementations." doc ref/memalloc.html include_dir cyg/memalloc compile dlmalloc.cxx memfixed.cxx memvar.cxx \ sepmeta.cxx debug.c # ==================================================================== cdl_component CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATORS { display "Memory allocator implementations" flavor none no_define description " This component contains configuration options related to the various memory allocators available." cdl_component CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_FIXED { display "Fixed block allocator" flavor none no_define description " This component contains configuration options related to the fixed block memory allocator." cdl_option CYGSEM_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_FIXED_THREADAWARE { display "Make thread safe" active_if CYGPKG_KERNEL default_value 1 description " With this option enabled, this allocator will be made thread-safe. Additionally allocation functions are made available that allow a thread to wait until memory is available." } } cdl_component CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_VARIABLE { display "Simple variable block allocator" flavor none no_define description " This component contains configuration options related to the simple variable block memory allocator. This allocator is not very fast, and in particular does not scale well with large numbers of allocations. It is however very compact in terms of code size and does not have very much overhead per allocation." cdl_option CYGSEM_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_VARIABLE_THREADAWARE { display "Make thread safe" active_if CYGPKG_KERNEL default_value 1 description " With this option enabled, this allocator will be made thread-safe. Additionally allocation functions are added that allow a thread to wait until memory are made available that allow a thread to wait until memory is available." } cdl_option CYGSEM_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_VARIABLE_COALESCE { display "Coalesce memory" default_value 1 description " The variable-block memory allocator can perform coalescing of memory whenever the application code releases memory back to the pool. This coalescing reduces the possibility of memory fragmentation problems, but involves extra code and processor cycles." } } cdl_component CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_DLMALLOC { display "Doug Lea's malloc" flavor none description " This component contains configuration options related to the port of Doug Lea's memory allocator, normally known as dlmalloc. dlmalloc has a reputation for being both fast and space-conserving, as well as resisting fragmentation well. It is a common choice for a general purpose allocator and has been used in both newlib and Linux glibc." cdl_option CYGDBG_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_DLMALLOC_DEBUG { display "Debug build" requires CYGDBG_USE_ASSERTS default_value { 0 != CYGDBG_USE_ASSERTS } description " Doug Lea's malloc implementation has substantial amounts of internal checking in order to verify the operation and consistency of the allocator. However this imposes substantial overhead on each operation. Therefore this checking may be individually disabled." } cdl_option CYGIMP_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_DLMALLOC_THREADAWARE { display "Make thread safe" active_if CYGPKG_KERNEL requires CYGPKG_KERNEL default_value 1 description " With this option enabled, this allocator will be made thread-safe. Additionally allocation functions are made available that allow a thread to wait until memory is available." } cdl_option CYGIMP_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_DLMALLOC_SAFE_MULTIPLE { display "Support more than one instance" default_value 1 description " Having this option disabled allows important implementation structures to be declared as a single static instance, allowing faster access. However this would fail if there is more than one instance of the dlmalloc allocator class. Therefore this option can be enabled if multiple instances are required. Note: as a special case, if this allocator is used as the implementation of malloc, and it can be determined there is more than one malloc pool, then this option will be silently enabled." } cdl_option CYGIMP_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_DLMALLOC_USE_MEMCPY { display "Use system memmove() and memset()" requires CYGPKG_ISOINFRA default_value { 0 != CYGPKG_ISOINFRA } description " This may be used to control whether memset() and memmove() are used within the implementation. The alternative is to use some macro equivalents, which some people report are faster in some circumstances." } cdl_option CYGNUM_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_DLMALLOC_ALIGNMENT { display "Minimum alignment of allocated blocks" flavor data legal_values 3 to 10 default_value 3 description " This option controls the minimum alignment that the allocated memory blocks are aligned on, specified as 2^N. Note that using large mininum alignments can lead to excessive memory wastage." } } cdl_component CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_SEPMETA { display "Variable block allocator with separate metadata" flavor none no_define description " This component contains configuration options related to the variable block memory allocator with separate metadata." cdl_option CYGSEM_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_SEPMETA_THREADAWARE { display "Make thread safe" active_if CYGPKG_KERNEL default_value 1 description " With this option enabled, this allocator will be made thread-safe. Additionally allocation functions are made available that allow a thread to wait until memory is available." } } } cdl_option CYGFUN_MEMALLOC_KAPI { display "Kernel C API support for memory allocation" active_if CYGPKG_KERNEL default_value CYGFUN_KERNEL_API_C description " This option must be enabled to provide the extensions required to support integration into the kernel C API." compile kapi.cxx } cdl_option CYGSEM_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_ZERO_RETURNS_NULL { display "malloc(0) returns NULL" default_value 0 description " This option controls the behavior of malloc(0) ( or calloc with either argument 0 ). It is permitted by the standard to return either a NULL pointer or a unique pointer. Enabling this option forces a NULL pointer to be returned." } cdl_option CYGSEM_MEMALLOC_INVOKE_OUT_OF_MEMORY { display "Breakpoint site when running out of memory" default_value 0 description " Whenever the system runs out of memory, it invokes this function before either going to sleep waiting for memory to become available or returning failure." } cdl_component CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_ALLOCATORS { display "malloc() and supporting allocators" flavor bool active_if CYGPKG_ISOINFRA implements CYGINT_ISO_MALLOC implements CYGINT_ISO_MALLINFO default_value 1 compile malloc.cxx description " This component enables support for dynamic memory allocation as supplied by the functions malloc(), free(), calloc() and realloc(). As these functions are often used, but can have quite an overhead, disabling them here can ensure they cannot even be used accidentally when static allocation is preferred. Within this component are various allocators that can be selected for use as the underlying implementation of the dynamic allocation functions." make -priority 50 { heapgeninc.tcl : /src/heapgen.cpp $(CC) $(ACTUAL_CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE_PATH) -Wp,-MD,heapgen.tmp -E $< -o $@ @sed -e '/^ *\\/d' -e "s#.*: #$@: #" heapgen.tmp > $(notdir $@).deps @rm heapgen.tmp } # FIXME this should have a dependency on mlt_headers, but CDL doesn't # permit custom build rules depending on phony targets # FIXME we workaround an NT cygtclsh80 bug by cd'ing into the # correct dir and running heapgen.tcl from there rather than passing # an absolute path. make -priority 50 { heaps.cxx : heapgeninc.tcl /src/heapgen.tcl XPWD=`pwd` ; cd $(REPOSITORY)/$(PACKAGE)/src ; sh heapgen.tcl "$(PREFIX)" "$$XPWD" @cp heaps.hxx "$(PREFIX)"/include/pkgconf/heaps.hxx @chmod u+w "$(PREFIX)"/include/pkgconf/heaps.hxx } make_object { heaps.o.d : heaps.cxx $(CC) $(ACTUAL_CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE_PATH) -Wp,-MD,heaps.tmp -c -o $(OBJECT_PREFIX)_$(notdir $(@:.o.d=.o)) $< @sed -e '/^ *\\/d' -e "s#.*: #$@: #" heaps.tmp > $@ @rm heaps.tmp } cdl_component CYGBLD_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_EXTERNAL_HEAP_H { display "Use external heap definition" flavor booldata default_value 0 description "This option allows other components in the system to override the default system provision of heap memory pools. This should be set to a header which provides the equivalent definitions to ." } cdl_component CYGBLD_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_EXTERNAL_JOIN_H { display "Use external implementation of joining multiple heaps" flavor booldata default_value 0 description "The default implementation of joining multiple heaps is fine for the case where there are multiple disjoint memory regions of the same type. However, in a system there might be e.g. a small amount of internal SRAM and a large amount of external DRAM. The SRAM is faster and the DRAM is slower. An application can implement some heuristic to choose which pool to allocate from. This heuristic can be highly application specific." } cdl_interface CYGINT_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_ALLOCATORS { display "malloc() allocator implementations" requires { CYGINT_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_ALLOCATORS == 1 } no_define } cdl_option CYGBLD_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_IMPLEMENTATION_HEADER { display "malloc() implementation instantiation data" flavor data description " Memory allocator implementations that are capable of being used underneath malloc() must be instantiated. The code to do this is set in this option. It is only intended to be set by the implementation, not the user." # default corresponds to the default allocator default_value {""} } cdl_option CYGIMP_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_VARIABLE_SIMPLE { display "Simple variable block implementation" description "This causes malloc() to use the simple variable block allocator." default_value 0 implements CYGINT_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_ALLOCATORS requires { CYGBLD_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_IMPLEMENTATION_HEADER == \ "" } requires CYGSEM_MEMALLOC_ALLOCATOR_VARIABLE_COALESCE } cdl_option CYGIMP_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_DLMALLOC { display "Doug Lea's malloc implementation" description "This causes malloc() to use a version of Doug Lea's malloc (dlmalloc) as the underlying implementation." default_value 1 implements CYGINT_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_ALLOCATORS requires { CYGBLD_MEMALLOC_MALLOC_IMPLEMENTATION_HEADER == \ "" } } } cdl_option CYGNUM_MEMALLOC_FALLBACK_MALLOC_POOL_SIZE { display "Size of the fallback dynamic memory pool in bytes" flavor data legal_values 32 to 0x7fffffff default_value 16384 description " If *no* heaps are configured in your memory layout, dynamic memory allocation by malloc() and calloc() must be from a fixed-size, contiguous memory pool (note here that it is the pool that is of a fixed size, but malloc() is still able to allocate variable sized chunks of memory from it). This option is the size of that pool, in bytes. Note that not all of this is available for programs to use - some is needed for internal information about memory regions, and some may be lost to ensure that memory allocation only returns memory aligned on word (or double word) boundaries - a very common architecture constraint." } # ==================================================================== cdl_component CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_OPTIONS { display "Common memory allocator package build options" flavor none no_define description " Package specific build options including control over compiler flags used only in building this package, and details of which tests are built." cdl_option CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_CFLAGS_ADD { display "Additional compiler flags" flavor data no_define default_value { "-fno-rtti -Woverloaded-virtual" } description " This option modifies the set of compiler flags for building this package. These flags are used in addition to the set of global flags." } cdl_option CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_CFLAGS_REMOVE { display "Suppressed compiler flags" flavor data no_define default_value { "-Wno-pointer-sign" } description " This option modifies the set of compiler flags for building this package. These flags are removed from the set of global flags if present." } cdl_option CYGPKG_MEMALLOC_TESTS { display "Tests" flavor data no_define calculated { "tests/dlmalloc1 tests/dlmalloc2 tests/heaptest tests/kmemfix1 tests/kmemvar1 tests/malloc1 tests/malloc2 tests/malloc3 tests/malloc4 tests/memfix1 tests/memfix2 tests/memvar1 tests/memvar2 tests/realloc tests/sepmeta1 tests/sepmeta2" } description " This option specifies the set of tests for this package." } } } # ==================================================================== # EOF memalloc.cdl