2006-01-27 Will Wagner * include/ppc8xx.h: Add definition for frame and parity errors in BD ctrl. Changed macro calculating SMCMR CLEN. 2004-04-01 Robert Chenault * include/ppc8xx.h: Add definition for 8 bytes to spi_pram structure (for a total of 48 bytes) as is done in the i2c_pram structure. Then remove the equivalent 8 reserved bytes in the scc_pram structure. 2003-09-08 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Fix baud rate clock setup - was off by 1. Reported by Tord Andersson 2003-03-31 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_hal_sccx_init_channel): Proper handling (signal routing) for SCC3 - differs on 850 and 850T! 2003-03-31 Jonathan Larmour * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_hal_smcx_init_channel): (cyg_hal_sccx_init_channel): * src/cpm.c: Include for memset(). (_mpc8xx_reset_cpm): use CPM busy flag to check reset completion. * src/quicc_smc1.c: Include for memset(). (cyg_hal_smcx_init_channel): Don't reset CPM here - let variant initialization do it. Only let through RX interrupts. (cyg_hal_sccx_init_channel): Ditto. 2003-03-23 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Use new baud rate generator allocation functions. Merge SMC and SCC output functions. * src/cpm.c: Add new function to allocate and manage the baud rate generators. Used by all serial drivers. * include/ppc8xx.h: Some common definitions moved here from various QUICC serial files. * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl: Add interface for SCC4 (not implemented by any platform yet) 2003-03-20 Gary Thomas * src/cpm.c (_mpc8xx_allocBd): Improve "best guess" for intial DPRAM allocation to use a value which is likely not to conflict with old versions of RedBoot. 2003-03-18 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_hal_sccx_init_channel): Update initialization for SCC2 - *CAUTION* not tested on actual hardware. 2003-03-06 Gary Thomas * src/cpm.c: Handle case where DPRAM allocation is unknown. * include/ppc8xx.h: Define limits of CPM/DPRAM space. 2003-03-05 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Need to flush data cache because the serial driver may set use buffers in cacheable memory. Without this, diag_printf() falls over if the serial driver is ever used. * src/cpm.c: New file with CPM/DPRAM support. * include/ppc8xx.h: * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl: Split out support for CPM/DPRAM. 2002-11-26 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Initialize BD allocation point. Note that it is different from when the CPM get's reset directly. This is to allow sharing of the space between ROM (RedBoot) code and applications. * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl: Move platform define here, where it belongs. 2002-11-25 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Support any combination of SMC1/SMC2 and SCC1/SCC2/SCC3 [or at least lay foundation for it] * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl: Add more controls over port layout. 2002-07-18 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_hal_scc1_init_channel): Fix init which failed from power-up - wrong channel in CP command! 2002-07-11 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: * include/quicc_smc1.h: * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl: Add support for SCC1 as a serial console (for newer chips which have this available). 2002-06-25 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl: Use more common CDL name for baudrate CYGNUM_HAL_VIRTUAL_VECTOR_CONSOLE_CHANNEL_BAUD. 2002-05-30 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c: Fix warning. 2001-09-10 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl (CYGNUM_HAL_QUICC_DIAG_BAUD): 234000->230400 typo. 2001-07-31 Jonathan Larmour 2001-07-31 Christoph Csebits * include/ppc8xx.h: 4 SCCs are supported by MPC860T, so don't reserve space. 2001-01-26 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c: Removed CYGSEM_HAL_VIRTUAL_VECTOR_DIAG check. 2001-01-15 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Provide for multiple serial input buffers since the single buffer/descriptor model fails miserably on some newer chips [at least 855T]. 2001-01-03 Gary Thomas * include/ppc8xx.h: Layout of I2C and IDMA was [slightly] wrong. 2000-08-30 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_hal_plf_serial_init_channel): Move all init code to init_channel. 2000-06-30 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c: calling i/f macro changes. 2000-06-28 Jesper Skov * include/quicc_smc1.h: * src/quicc_smc1.c: Cleanup. 2000-06-26 Jesper Skov * include/quicc_smc1.h: * src/quicc_smc1.c: Added non-block/timout features. Reworked Ctrl-c support code. 2000-06-22 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c: Fix compiler warning. Add functions to deal with ctrl-c interrupts from the device. 2000-06-21 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c: * include/quicc_smc1.h: Allow callers to specify base. Added code to initialize vector procs table. 2000-06-16 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c (hal_ctrlc_isr): Check that interrupt is generated by serial controller. 2000-06-13 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c: * include/quicc_smc1.h: Added ctrlc handling for use via virtual vector table. 2000-03-03 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Use common CPM defines (now in ppc8xx.h). * include/ppc8xx.h: Add some generic defines for CPM. Also refine ucode area for easier use (someday). start-serialize-newcdl 2000-02-29 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c (UART_BAUD_RATE): Use CDL option for baud rate. * cdl/hal_powerpc_quicc.cdl: Add option to control diag serial baud rate, rather than being fixed at 38400. end-serialize-newcdl 2000-02-21 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c (UART_BIT_RATE): Handle system clock speeds which are not integer multiples of MHz, e.g. 33.33 MHz. 2000-02-04 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_quicc_smc1_uart_rcvchar): Get frequency from new CYGHWR_HAL_POWERPC_BOARD_SPEED variable. 2000-02-03 Jesper Skov * src/quicc_smc1.c: CYG_HAL_POWERPC_x->CYGPKG_... 1999-09-02 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c (init_smc1_uart): Generalize baud rate computation. 1999-09-01 Gary Thomas * include/ppc8xx.h: Add some missing definitions (MAR, MBMR). 1999-06-27 Gary Thomas * src/quicc_smc1.c: Many changes which allow these routines to cooperate when the SMC is being used by a serial "driver" as well. In particular, remove "hard coded" resources on the SMC. Note: there is some lingering problem with the transmit routines [globally] after the serial driver re-inits the SMC. Of course this problem is intermittent, so it's hard to fix. 1999-06-24 Hugo Tyson * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_hal_gdb_isr): Add this routine to trap ^C events and stop the system, if CYGDBG_HAL_DEBUG_GDB_BREAK_SUPPORT. 1999-06-24 Hugo Tyson * src/quicc_smc1.c (cyg_quicc_init_smc1): Remove unused, commented out code, that was left over from CygMon version of this file. 1999-06-18 Hugo Tyson * src/quicc_smc1.c (init_smc1_uart): Use default 38400 Baud, because it is better. 1999-06-18 Jesper Skov * include/pkgconf/hal_quicc.h: Fixed CDL description. 1999-06-17 Hugo Tyson * src/quicc_smc1.c (init_smc1_uart): Initialize the baud rate depending on the system clock setting. 1999-06-15 Hugo Tyson * src/quicc_smc1.c: Moved include of ppc8xx.h * src/ppc8xx.h: Removed, to... * include/ppc8xx.h: New file. Moved here so that platform startup code can share it. 1999-06-10 Hugo Tyson * src/quicc_smc1.c: Make this file safe for compilation even when no PowerPC 860 is in use; pkgconf can enable this component for any target, potentially. 1999-06-10 Hugo Tyson * ChangeLog: Component created, based partly on the FADS work and on CygMon's serial IO code for the MBX860, to support the Motorola MBX860 QUICC serial controller for basic IO. Initially only used in the neighbouring platform component HAL_POWERPC_MBX [hal/powerpc/mbx/....] * include/quicc_smc1.h * include/pkgconf/hal_quicc.h * src/PKGconf.mak * src/ppc8xx.h * src/quicc_smc1.c New files. //=========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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